Saturday, May 14, 2011

Understand your WORTH, GREATNESS!!!

GREATNESS is our natural state of being. Greatness is our destiny. It is what we live, it’s what we strive for and it’s what motivates us. We fear our natural state of being. We fear our destiny. We then fear to live, we fear to strive and we become de-motivated.

That which is the essence of who we are is what challenges us the most because we fear it, GREATNESS!!! We do everything we can to restrict this greatness, to limit it and give it boundaries. We are always fighting against it in our head space, causing internal conflict. Am I or not? We always ask. Questions, analysis, judgment have become our order of the day.

Let us be, just be. No use fighting GREATNESS because we only hurt ourselves in the process.
Stay GREATness and LOVING!!!

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