Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's the Awakening!!! (Poem)

It's the awakening of the soul
You've got to be keen if you want to grow

Dive into the abyss of your essence
At that instance
Nothing seems to make sense
I sense your stress
You don't want to address
Your fears
And tears
Are spears
Tearing you apart
I can't
You always seem to say
But today is your day
Now it's going to pay
All the pain you've been through
All the times you got screwed
Forget that it's old news

Now is the time to
Dive into the abyss of your essence
At that instance
Nothing seems to make sense

It's the awakening of the soul
You've got to be keen if you want to grow

Copyright M'press Tallowah

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Accepting ones' GREATNESS is a PROCESS!!!

Accepting ones greatness is a process. We need to first remember our greatness before we can accept and apply it. The truth is greatness is our true nature. It is inherent in all of us. It is a beaming light, the sparkle in the diamond. It is the balance of all things. It brings about peace and serenity. It is true enlightenment for our souls know the truth even though we may try to ignore it.

Let us now commit ourselves to our greatness in order for us to live the life we dream for ourselves. Let us share in each others greatness and feel the love emanating from withing our core, our souls.

It will not happen over night. Babies are not born walking and talking, they learn."Before a baby can walk, she has to crawl first" ~ Haile Selassie. One breath at a time, WE WILL MASTER OUR GREATNESS!!!

Let's stay ACCEPTING and LOVING :D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Let's be clear about one thing!!!

Now that the year has begun and we are well on our way, let's be clear about one thing. This is the year we CHOOSE to love ourselves sincerely and unconditionally. We are going to care for ourselves. We are going to be patient with ourselves.

We know we want this from other people so instead of waiting for others to be kind, caring and patient with us. Let us give the gift of LOVE to ourselves first.

We deserve it. We need it. We are LOVE!!!

Stay CLEAR and LOVING!!! :D