Saturday, May 14, 2011


Be guided by that which lies within
It is not defined by the colour of skin
That which is skin deep
Let it sleep
Quietly, no need
To go on your knees
Trust in your dreams
They scream
Pursue me
Your dreams
Pursue me
You blink
You sink
All you got to do is swim
Otherwise you lose your dream, kid
Trust in the power of the seed, kid
It’ll give you power to follow your dream, kid
Plant the seed, kid
Procrastination will give you grief, kid
Seriously, kid
Your greatness intrigues
I insist
That you accept this
Aim the target, don’t miss
Stay adrift
In the midst
Of all these things
Trust that which lies within
It’ll bring you bliss
From your soul will emanate peace
Trust your instinct, kid

Be guided by that which lies within
It is not defined by the colour of skin
That which is skin deep
Let it sleep
Quietly, no need
To go on your knees
Trust in your dreams
They scream
Pursue me
Your dreams
Pursue me

Copyright ~ M’pressTallowah May 2011

Understand your WORTH, GREATNESS!!!

GREATNESS is our natural state of being. Greatness is our destiny. It is what we live, it’s what we strive for and it’s what motivates us. We fear our natural state of being. We fear our destiny. We then fear to live, we fear to strive and we become de-motivated.

That which is the essence of who we are is what challenges us the most because we fear it, GREATNESS!!! We do everything we can to restrict this greatness, to limit it and give it boundaries. We are always fighting against it in our head space, causing internal conflict. Am I or not? We always ask. Questions, analysis, judgment have become our order of the day.

Let us be, just be. No use fighting GREATNESS because we only hurt ourselves in the process.
Stay GREATness and LOVING!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Don't swim against the'll get tired, better you go with the flow of life!!!

The universe has always worked with me not against me. It is I who has been working against the universe all along and then I say HIM (my creator) doesn't love me.

Don't swim against the tide. Surrender to HIM that made YOU. Surrender to HIM that created YOU. Know that HE will always take care of YOU. All you have to do is to allow HIM to take over YOUR life completely.

The way to allow HIM to take control of YOUR life is to allow yourself to do everything with love, for love, by love, from love and to love in everything YOU do, in everything YOU say, wherever you may be and However you may be.

Let us all surrender our will.

Stay LOVING!!! :D

Some words and phrases are careful!!!

It is imporatant for us to understand the impact of the what we say in our daily lives. Language is great communication tool but some of the words tend to limit our view and our capabilities and this then hinders our journey's to GREATNESS!!!

Everytime we say we "can't", we disempower ourselves. Everytime we say "if", we disempower ourselves. There's a whole list of such words. Words like "shame, eish, maybe" etc

Bearing in mind the "law of attraction" we can understand why we need to be careful of our thoughts and words....................for we were created through WORD!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Poem: My soul limped

My soul limped for a very long time
My soul limped for a very long time

I screamed
Most of my life
Everything seemed jinxed
Like I was a victim of my instinct
Then I realised I could be extinct
That would be the verdict
About my life, I've got to be ecstatic
I AM the Mystic
I'm the mystic
I seek
Not even the meek
can understand the kick
I get from all this intrigue

My soul limped for a very long time
My soul limped for a very long time

Now is the time for you to heal the limp in YOUR OWN SOUL!!!

By M'pressTallowah
Copyright April 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stay OPEN in order to live a life filled with MIRACLES!!!

Miracles are not things that only happened during the times of the bible. In fact, miracles happen everyday when we let them. We don't see them because we have closed our hearts so much that we no longer believe in the good of our Creator. Miracles are part of our daily lives, all we need to experience them is AWARENESS.

The act of breathing alone is a miracle. Growing up, life and the process of creation is a miracle. Love shared and intimate bonds between individuals.....this is also a miracle. People get saved from destructive lives everyday, this is also a miracle.

Let us appreciate the little things in our lives in order for us to receive the big things.

Let us stay OPEN and LOVING!!! :D

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WHOLEstic living instead of holistic living.

Our approach to life is that everything is seperate and everything functions on its own, yet we forget that when we were created, everything was created for a reason and this reason is what connects us, even with nature. We are also connected because we come from the same source.

Understanding how connected we are will enables us to understand the big picture of life. It will makes us to care for others and nature. It will also empower us to understand the different aspects of oursleves....the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, business and creative....We all have these aspects but we treat them as if they are completely seperate from each other.

The truth is WE ARE ONE and everything about us is part of us, this means we need to find a balance for all these aspects, foucs on all of them and not neglect any.

Stay WHOLEstic and LOVING!!!